Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Next 10 years??

2001.... when i graduated from high skul, i was thinking what will happend in next 10 years??

And 2011 here i`m now, almost 28 years old, soon i`ll be Mrs. rudy, and right now, i was at my office.. thinking about what will happend in next 10 years *again* halahhh hehhee... so, i write it here at my blog :) maybe at 2021, i`ll be think about next 10 years again xixixixiiii...

many things happend in this 10 years.. dlm keluarga, dlm persahabatan, dlm urusan cinta2an, tp tdk dlm pekerjaan -_-" i`m still at my office from 2002 until now.. tapi hrs ttep bersyukur la yahh.. coz msh d berikan ksehatan dan berkecukupan :)

Ade g yg co ud krj d showroom mobil, my little sist jg bakal lulus high skul taon ini. g jg pnya usaha kecil2an drmah, jd ortu bs pnsiun urusin toko aj drmah d bantu cici g..

Dlm persahabatan wit my best frenz, byak konflik yg terjadi between the three of us :( dan sampe skrg pun friendship qta masih "agak" merenggang :( i dont know how to fixed it -_- hope time will answer that someday :)

Dlm urusan love-love an,  pas prtama ktemu rudy, g baru putus dr relation yg sngat" gak jelass -_-" bkin g stress waktu itu, but then he came into my heart and heal my wound *sok sweet* hehehee :)

So.. now i`m hoping for a more better life in my next 10 years.. smoga g bs lebih dewasa, ga cepet marah :p.... smoga g bisa membahagiakan org" yg g sayang, smoga ortu d berikan ksehatan dan pjg umur.. smoga cici n ade" g hdup happy. smoga g n rudy bs membina kel kecil qta dgn baik, jd ortu yg baik utk anak" qta nanti.. *rudy jr & yenny jr*xixixiiiii... aminnnn.. :)

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